To live alone is the most difficult part, especially in the case of elderly people. These senior citizens can surely live an independent life but they carve for some company deep within. They feel excluded from society and try ways to communicate with the outside world. There are also others who need daily care but have none by their side. Hence they turn to caregivers. But the biggest problem the health center now faces is the short supply of the caretakers, making it very risky for the aged people.
Taking care of aged people is no simple task and needs continuous 24/7 monitoring. Witnessing the fast-paced life and busy and hectic lifestyle, it has become very difficult to take care of the elderly age people. Looking at the present scenario and circumstances, the cobots were invented. The coming of cobots in the elderly aged people’s lives solved almost all the problems. It was also witnessed to improve their health.
How Does the Cobots Help the Elders?
The cobots are specifically modeled to take care of the aged people. They have been programmed to assist the aged people in their daily activities like getting them out of the bed, assisting them for baths, in wheelchairs, to talk and communicate and more. With the help of cobots, the elders now feel more secure and happy because they have someone 24/7 by their side.
What is the Future of Cobots?
With the advancement of technology and in the medical field, the lifespan of humans has increased. It has made the elderly people lonely, for the youngsters are busy in their hectic life. Witnessing a rise in the senior citizens and demand for the human caretakers, the cobots sure have a bright future.
As part of the safety trial, an experiment was conducted by the Hertfordshire University on an elderly male. He lived on his own and so he was offered a cobot for his assistance. The programmed cobot proved to be very helpful for the male. The cobot greeted him often, which was liked by the male for he longed for someone to communicate with. The cobot also entertained him, made him laugh, dance and also assisted him in his daily chores. The cobot proved to be successful in the experiment.
Though the cobot can only function according to their limited program, it still entertains and can take care of the elderly people. The senior citizen will now feel more accepted and happy in the presence of cobot. Check Out Here – https://thenextweb.com/syndication/2019/12/30/meet-the-cobots-the-robots-who-will-be-your-colleagues-not-your-replacements/
Cobots are more Sophisticated and there is Nothing to Fear
The elderly grouped people are now slowly accepting cobots. They not only find the cobots helpful but also find solace in them. They enjoy the cobots’ company as the cobots communicate, play and laugh with them. The cobots have played a major role in eliminating their loneliness. They are slowly finding their place in the family. Apart from this, the best part about the cobots is that they can never get bored or irritated and will continue to aid them.
Not many agree with cobot technology. Few think as a threat to the future and believe it to deceive the senior citizens. Most people believe that with the cobot in presence, the younger generation will have more freedom to ditch their aged family members. The younger generation must be taught to take care of the elders and not find an alternative to the care.
They sure are right in their thoughts and ways, but when seen practically, the younger generations have much work in their hands. They must strive hard to build a secure and safe future in this competitive world. This makes the younger people leave very little time for the elder’s care. Hence, it is not wrong to assist the elders with the cobots especially in the case of elders who need constant 24/7 care.
The cobots are not harmful. They can perform only in limited programs. If the cobots are modeled for the care and safety of the elders, then it is not wrong in any way. The cobots are created to make the lives of the elders better and happy and not to destroy or harm their lives.